The European Union’s action in the field of budgetary control is based on two principles: on the one hand, ensuring that the EU’s budget is properly spent and, on the other, protecting the Union’s financial interests and combating fraud. The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has the power to investigate fraud against the EU budget, corruption and serious misconduct and develops anti-fraud policy. The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) investigates, prosecutes and brings to justice crimes against the EU budget.
For citizens to be confident that their money is being used properly, the European Union, together with its Member States, needs to protect the financial interests of the Union. It is also important to monitor and supervise the work of OLAF and the EPPO and to support their actions to combat fraud and irregularities in the implementation of the EU budget.
The Fraudulent Trading Solicitors at Draycott Browne are extremely experienced in this complex area of law.
Being accused of or charged with fraudulent trading or creditor fraud is extremely stressful for those involved. It is a criminal offence, and those found guilty of the crime can receive a custodial sentence of up to ten years in prison.
The charge of fraudulent trading can be levied against directors whose business has been declared insolvent. The term ‘insolvent’ is used to refer to any business that is unable to pay its debts. As a consequence of being declared insolvent, businesses must cease trading with customers, and must prioritise the financial welfare of their creditors.
Due to the severity of the offence and its potential punishments, it is natural for those facing an insolvency charge to be anxious, frightened, and confused about their future.
If you are currently facing charges of fraudulent trading, you’ll need the help of Fraudulent Trading Solicitors who specialise in this area of Business Crime, and have experience in providing tailored defences to those who have been charged with such offences, and that’s where we come in.
Over many years of service, our specialist Fraudulent Trading Solicitors have successfully defended clients from throughout the UK against charges of fraudulent trading and creditor fraud, and we’re here now to help you. Our experience tells us that most cases of creditor fraud are not due to intentional fraud, but to poor management and hopeful intentions.
Whatever the circumstances of your charge, contact us today to speak to a member of our team.
Civil Attorney
Attoreny Specialst -Recovery of Funds
Attorney Specialist – Recovery of Funds